Form MHI Air Conditioning Systems Industry and Trade Inc. PRIVACY NOTICE FOR PROCESSING PERSONAL DATA

Form MHI Air Conditioning Systems Industry and Trade Inc. prioritizes the security of your personal data with utmost sensitivity, and in compliance with Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data ("Law No. 6698") published in the Official Gazette on April 7, 2016, we process and store all types of personal data belonging to all related individuals, including those benefiting from our products and services.

1) Data Controller

As per Law No. 6698, the data controller is Form MHI Air Conditioning Systems Industry and Trade Inc., and all personal data may be processed by the data controller within the scope described below.

2) Purpose of Processing Personal Data

Your personal data may be collected through automatic or non-automatic methods, verbally, in writing, or electronically, through Group Companies, Company units and regional offices, the website, social media channels, mobile applications, and similar means. Your personal data will be processed by Form MHI Air Conditioning Systems Industry and Trade Inc., as long as you benefit from the products and services offered by us, and will be created and updated accordingly.

Additionally, when using our company's services by using our website, visiting our company or website, or participating in training, seminars, or events organized by our company, your personal data may be processed.

The collected personal data will be processed within the scope of the conditions and purposes of personal data processing specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data for the purposes of conducting the necessary work by our business units to benefit you from the products and services offered by Form MHI Air Conditioning Systems Industry and Trade Inc., customizing the products and services offered by group companies according to your preferences, usage habits, and needs, ensuring the legal and commercial security of individuals in business relationships with our company (customer evaluation/complaint management processes, reputation research processes, event management, legal compliance processes, audit, financial affairs, etc.), and ensuring the implementation of our company's human resources policies.